Eastern Min numbers


Eastern Min numbers

Eastern Min numbers, or Min Dong , is a branch of the Min group of Sinitic languages of China. The prestige form and most-cited representative form is the Fuzhou dialect. The speech of the capital and largest city of Fujian.


Number Eastern Min Numeral Pronunciation
1 Tsit̂ (一) [tsiʔ]
2 Ji̍t (二) [jit]
3 Saⁿ (三) [sã˧]
4 Sì (四) [si˥]
5 Gō͘ (五) [ŋo˩]
6 La̍k (六) [lak]
7 Chhit (七) [tsʰit]
8 Pe̍h (八) [peʔ]
9 Káu (九) [kaʊ̯]
10 Cha̍p (十) [tɕiap]
11 Tsit̂-cha̍p (十一) [tsiʔ tɕiap]
12 Ji̍t-cha̍p (十二) [jit tɕiap]
20 Cha̍p-jī (廿) [tɕiap tsʰi˧]
21 Tsit̂-cha̍p-jī (廿一) [tsiʔ tɕiap tsʰi˧]
30 Saⁿ-jī (卅) [sã˧ tsʰi˧]
40 Sì-jī (卌) [si˥ tsʰi˧]
50 Gō͘-jī (卅) [ŋo˩ tsʰi˧]
60 La̍k-jī (卌) [lak tsʰi˧]
70 Chhit-jī (卌) [tsʰit tsʰi˧]
80 Pe̍h-jī (卌) [peʔ tsʰi˧]
90 Káu-jī (卌) [kaʊ̯ tsʰi˧]
100 Bái (百) [paɪ̯]
200 Nn̄g-bái (二百) [ŋi˥ paɪ̯]
300 Saⁿ-bái (三百) [sã˧ paɪ̯]
400 Sì-bái (四百) [si˥ paɪ̯]
500 Gō͘-bái (五百) [ŋo˩ paɪ̯]
600 La̍k-bái (六百) [lak paɪ̯]
700 Chhit-bái (七百) [tsʰit paɪ̯]
800 Pe̍h-bái (八百) [peʔ paɪ̯]
900 Káu-bái (九百) [kaʊ̯ paɪ̯]
1000 Ti (千) [tɕi]

Eastern Min, also known as Hokkien or Taiwanese, is a Southern Min Chinese language spoken primarily in the southeastern part of China, including the Fujian province, as well as by various overseas Chinese communities, especially in Taiwan and Southeast Asia. Eastern Min has a diverse range of dialects, and the numbers may be pronounced differently depending on the specific dialect.