Calculus & analysis symbols

Calculus & analysis symbols

Calculus & analysis symbols with Symbol Name , Meaning and definition and also with Example:

Here are some common symbols used in calculus and analysis:
  1. ∫ : Integral
  2. d/dx : Derivative
  3. ∂ : Partial Derivative
  4. Σ : Summation
  5. lim : Limit
  6. ∈ : Belongs to (Set Membership)
  7. ∞ : Infinity
  8. ∆ : Change (Difference)
  9. ≈ : Approximately Equal
  10. ≠ : Not Equal
  11. ∇ : Nabla (Gradient)
  12. ⊆ : Subset
  13. ∩ : Intersection
  14. ∪ : Union
  15. ↔ : If and Only If
  16. ∀ : For All
  17. ∃ : Exists
  18. ε : Epsilon
  19. e : Euler’s Number
  20. ∮ : Line Integral
  21. ∬ : Double Integral
  22. ∭ : Triple Integral
  23. dx : Differential
  24. ∑ : Summation
  25. ∠ : Angle
  26. δ : Delta
  27. λ : Lambda
  28. Ω : Omega

These symbols are commonly used to represent various mathematical concepts and operations in calculus and analysis.

Calculus & analysis symbols with Symbol Name , Meaning and definition and also with Example:


Symbol Name
Meaning / Definition
Integral Represents the integral of a function over a range or area ∫ f(x) dx = F(x) + C
d/dx Derivative Represents the rate of change of a function with respect to x d/dx (x^2) = 2x
Partial Derivative Represents the partial derivative with respect to a variable ∂f/∂x, ∂^2f/∂x^2
Σ Summation Represents the sum of a sequence of terms Σn=1 to 10 n = 55
lim Limit Represents the behavior of a function as it approaches a value lim(x → 0) sin(x)/x = 1
Belongs to Represents an element belonging to a set x ∈ [1, 5]
Infinity Represents an unbounded value or concept of infinity ∫ 1/x dx from 1 to ∞ = ∞
Change Represents a small change or difference ∆x = x2 – x1
Approximately equal Represents an approximate equality π ≈ 3.14159
Not equal Represents inequality x ≠ y
Nabla (Gradient) Represents the gradient operator ∇f(x, y, z) = ∂f/∂x i + ∂f/∂y j + ∂f/∂z k
Subset Represents subset relation between sets A ⊆ B
Intersection Represents the intersection of sets A ∩ B
Union Represents the union of sets A ∪ B
If and only if Represents a biconditional statement A ↔ B
For all Represents “for all” or “for every” ∀x, P(x)
Exists Represents “there exists” or “there is at least one” ∃x, Q(x)
ε Epsilon Represents a very small positive quantity Given ε > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that…
e Euler’s Number Mathematical constant ≈ 2.71828… e = lim (1 + 1/x)^x, x → ∞
Symbol Name
Meaning / Definition
Line Integral Integral along a closed curve ∮ F·dr = ∫(a to b) F(r(t))·r'(t) dt
Double Integral Integral over a region in a plane ∬ f(x, y) dA
Triple Integral Integral over a region in space ∭ f(x, y, z) dV
Partial Derivative Derivative with respect to one variable while others held constant ∂f/∂x, ∂^2f/∂x^2
Integral Antiderivative or integral of a function ∫ f(x) dx = F(x) + C
dx Differential Infinitesimal change in the variable x ∫ f(x) dx
Summation Sum of a sequence of terms ∑(n=1 to ∞) a_n
Infinity Concept of unboundedness lim(x → ∞) f(x) = ∞
∆x Change in x Infinitesimal change in the variable x Δx = x2 – x1
Approximately equal Approximate equality π ≈ 3.14159
Not equal Inequality x ≠ y
Square Root Principal square root of a non-negative number √x = y ⟹ y^2 = x
Del Operator Gradient or vector differential operator ∇f(x, y, z) = (∂f/∂x)i + (∂f/∂y)j + (∂f/∂z)k
Angle Measure of inclination between two lines or planes ∠ABC = 90°
δ Delta Change or difference δx → 0 as x → 0
λ Lambda Eigenvalue or parameter in various mathematical contexts Ax = λx, λ = 2
Ω Omega Solid angle or simply a symbol used in set theory Ω = 2π

Please note that this list is extensive, but it might not cover every possible symbol used in calculus and analysis. The meanings and examples provided are also simplified for brevity and clarity.

 Here are some common symbols used in calculus and analysis:


Basic Operations:

  • “+” : Addition
  • “-” : Subtraction
  • “×” : Multiplication
  • “÷” : Division

Powers and Exponents:

  • “^” : Exponentiation (e.g., x^2 means x raised to the power of 2)
  • “√” : Square Root (e.g., √x represents the square root of x)
  • “∛” : Cube Root (e.g., ∛x represents the cube root of x)


  • “lim” : Limit (e.g., lim(x → a) f(x) represents the limit of f(x) as x approaches a)


  • “d/dx” : Derivative with respect to x (e.g., d/dx f(x) represents the derivative of f(x) with respect to x)
  • “∂/∂x” : Partial derivative with respect to x (used in multivariable calculus)


  • “∫” : Integral symbol (e.g., ∫ f(x) dx represents the indefinite integral of f(x) with respect to x)
  • “∫[a, b]” : Definite Integral (e.g., ∫[a, b] f(x) dx represents the definite integral of f(x) from a to b)


  • “Σ” : Summation symbol (e.g., Σ f(x) represents the sum of f(x) over a specified range)


  • “∞” : Infinity symbol (e.g., lim(x → ∞) f(x) represents the limit of f(x) as x approaches infinity)

Differential Equations:

  • “dy/dx” : Differential of y with respect to x (used in ordinary differential equations)

Set Notation:

  • “∈” : Element of (e.g., x ∈ A means x is an element of set A)
  • “∉” : Not an element of (e.g., x ∉ A means x is not an element of set A)
  • “⊆” : Subset of (e.g., A ⊆ B means set A is a subset of set B)

Other Notations:

  • “!” : Factorial (e.g., n! represents the factorial of n)

These symbols are fundamental tools for expressing mathematical concepts and operations in calculus and analysis.