Logic symbols

Logic symbols


Logic symbols with Symbol Name , Meaning and definition and also with Example:


Symbol Name
Meaning / Definition
and Logical AND x ⋅ y
^ caret / circumflex Power x ^ y
& ampersand Logical AND x & y
+ plus Addition x + y
reversed caret Logical OR x ∨ y
| vertical line Logical OR x | y
single quote Notation / Prime x’
¬ negation Logical NOT ¬x
! exclamation mark Factorial / Notation x!
circled plus / oplus Exclusive OR – XOR x ⊕ y
~ tilde Negation ~x
implies Implies P ⇒ Q
equivalent If and only if (IFF) P ⇔ Q
for all Universal quantifier ∀x ∈ S : P(x)
there exists Existential quantifier ∃x ∈ S : P(x)
there does not exist Negation of existential ∄x ∈ S : P(x)
therefore Logical consequence A, B, ∴ C
because / since Explanation / Reasoning ∵ A implies B

Please note that the meanings and examples provided are general interpretations of these symbols within various contexts, such as mathematics, logic, and formal language. The specific interpretation can vary depending on the field or context in which they are used.

Logic symbols are symbols used to represent logical operations in mathematics. These symbols can be used to express ideas and make logical deductions. For example, the symbol is used to represent the logical operationor“, meaning that at least one of the elements in the expression must be true. Similarly, the symbol is used to represent the logical operationimplication“, meaning that one element implies another. Other common logic symbols include (and),¬ (not), (ifthen), (false), and (for all). By using these symbols, mathematicians are able to express more complex ideas and make logical deductions more efficient.